Invest in Maine's lobstering communities.
The Maine lobster industry’s heritage and stewardship practices are a model for sustainable fishing practices around the world. The Maine Lobster Community Alliance is an educational and charitable organization that educates the public about Maine’s lobstering heritage, supports scientific research to further the industry’s conservation ethic and stewardship of ocean resources, and provides charity to distressed fishing families.
The MLCA’s mission is to foster thriving coastal communities and preserve Maine’s lobstering heritage. MLCA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which achieves its charitable mission
through programs in education, research and charity. Your donation to the MLCA is tax
deductible to the full extent of the law.
To mail a donation, make check payable to MLCA, PO Box 315, Kennebunk, ME 04043.

Protecting the Future & Preserving the Past of Maine's Lobstering Industry.
The Maine Lobster Community Alliance (MLCA) was formed in 2010 with a vision to:
Strive to preserve Maine's lobster industry.
Educate the public about Maine’s lobstering heritage.
Reinforce and pursue scientific research that furthers sustainability.
Support distressed fishing families and their community.
MLCA's programs include conservation, leadership training, scientific investigation, and education through its monthly newspaper, "Landings."
The MLCA’s mission is to foster thriving coastal communities and preserve Maine’s lobstering heritage. MLCA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which achieves its charitable mission through programs in education, research and charity.