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Canada Assesses its Marine Mammal Protections

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Capitol Hill

The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) submitted a “progress report” in July detailing protections for over 200 Canadian fisheries that interact with marine mammals, including the two most valuable — lobster ($2.1 billion CD) and crab ($1 billion CD). The submission is the first test of Canada’s ability to meet upcoming requirements in the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). By January 1, 2022, all countries with fisheries interacting with marine mammals that export seafood products to the U.S. will have to demonstrate they have marine mammal protections that are the same or of comparable “effectiveness” to measures taken in the U.S. Canada is the largest seafood supplier by value to the U.S., at $4.3 billion CD in 2017. To view Canadian right whale sightings, go to On Alert for Whales


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