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Shrimp season pinched
The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Northern Shrimp Section approved a total allowable catch (TAC) of 625 metric tons (MT), a 72% reduction from last year’s quota. The TAC is further subdivided into a research set aside of 5.44 mt, a trawl fishery TAC of 539.02 mt, and a trap fishery TAC of 80.54 mt. Each fishery will close when 85% of its TAC is projected to be reached and a four-day advance notice will be issued prior to the closure of each fishery.
The trawl fishery will begin on January 23, with two landing days (Monday and Wednesday) and no trip limit. The trap fishery will begin on February 5, with six landing days (every day but Sunday) and an 800 pound trip limit.
The Section considered several factors in setting the specifications for the 2013 fishery. These include (1) the northern shrimp stock is overfished and overfishing has been occurring for the last three years; (2) all abundance surveys are exhibiting a downward trend (since 2007 biomass has steadily declined and is currently at its lowest level); and (3) poor recruitment (shrimp entering into the fishery) in 2010 and 2011. Northern shrimp recruitment is related to both spawning biomass and ocean temperatures, with higher spawning biomass and colder temperatures producing stronger recruitment. Ocean temperatures in the western Gulf of Maine shrimp habitat have been warming in recent years and have reached or approached unprecedented highs in the past three years. This suggests a less hospitable environment for northern shrimp and indicates the critical need for protecting spawning biomass.
New communications person joins DMR
Jeff Nichols recently began work as the Department of Marine Resources new communications specialist. He will work in the office of the commissioner. Among Nichols’ tasks are to improve the user-friendliness of the agency’s Web site and other communication tools and to serve as a business development liaison, working on seafood marketing and connecting seafood businesses with state resources. Nichols has worked in Maine’s rural communities through the Maine Rural Partners program and in the state’s logging industries. He most recently worked for ten years as the Public Affairs coordinator at the Mount Desert Island hospital in Bar Harbor.
Music, poetry of the sea coming to the Maine Maritime Museum
Maine, with its long maritime tradition and vital fishing industry, is home to many talented and creative artists who write about the sea on which they work. The Maine Maritime Museum will bring this art to wider public attention with “Voices of the Sea: The Poetry and Song of Maine’s Fishermen and Those Who Work on the Water” this spring. The program will feature readings and musical performances by poets and musicians who are also professional fisherman or mariners. Individuals interested in participating can contact Museum Education Coordinator Jim Nelson at 207-443-1616 ext 325 or by e-mail at
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