DMR Press Release
The spring survey began in New Hampshire waters on April 29, and will work its way east to finish up about May 31 near Cutler/Lubec. We will fish the first five good days each week, using the weekend to make up for bad weather or equipment problems. This should enable us to maintain a predictable schedule as we move up the coast. The vessel is a white fiberglass Northeast 54’, the F/V Robert Michael of Portland, captained by Rob Tetrault.

F/V Robert Michael
The survey is designed to provide information that has not been available to NOAA Fisheries Service for stock assessments. Obtaining this information is critical to making rational management decisions. The better information we have about all our fisheries, the better we can ensure a future for both fishermen and the resources.
As in the past, we ask that on the scheduled day of the tow, an area 1/8th mile on either side of the tow line be clear of fixed gear. We make every effort to avoid contact with gear by making at least one and often two passes on the tow line before we set our gear. However, if buoys are running under, we cannot see them and mistakenly conclude that the area is clear. Clearing the area of gear avoids gear contact.
The best source of information is directly from the boat crew. You may hail them on either channel 16 or 13, and then switch to your preferred local working channel. The crew cell phone is 207-557-5276. Cell phone service can be spotty at times, but messages can be left for the crew to return your call.
Week 1, Region 1: April 29th – May 3rd, New Hampshire to Saco Bay
Week 2, Region 2: May 6th – May 10th, Casco Bay to Muscongus Bay
Week 3, Region 3: May 13th – May 17th, Penobscot Bay Area
Week 4, Region 4: May 20th – May 24th, Isle Au Haut to Frenchman’s Bay
Week 5, Region 5: May 27th – May 31st, Schoodic to Grand Manan Channel
Click here for an interactive chart of tow locations.