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MLA Directors Meeting
November 7 – Belfast, ME: The MLA board reviewed the financials and preliminary budgets for 2013. Final budgets will be presented in December for approval by the board. Membership renewals are slightly behind schedule due to a one-month delay in the renewal mailing. MLA staff are calling members to urge them to renew. Support from MLA members is critical in order for MLA to continue to represent the lobster industry on pressing policy issues.
Marianne LaCroix, acting director of the Maine Lobster Promotion Council, provided an update on the Council’s work. The Council’s activities for the remainder of the year (through July 2013) will include the Boston Seafood Show, a reception at the Asian Seafood Show and a presence at Brussels Seafood Exposition. The Council solicited proposals from several consulting firms to create a strong brand strategy to better position Maine lobster in the market. The Council’s Board is still reviewing the proposals. The Council is closely monitoring the Lobster Advisory Council’s (LAC) proposal to the Legislature to establish a new marketing entity. Bob Baines clarified that the LAC’s intention is to not to refund the existing MLPC, but to dissolve the MLPC and create a new marketing entity with new funding. Members of the existing staff and board may or may not be involved with the new marketing entity. The MLA Board discussed including a regular update from the MLPC in the MLA Newsletter to keep the industry better informed on the Council’s activities.
In response to the crisis surrounding low boat prices this year, the LAC formed a subcommittee to discuss what, if anything, the industry could do to improve lobster price. Bob Baines explained that the subcommittee has generated a list of ideas that have come from the industry, but there has not been a consensus on how to move forward. Ideas have focused on tools that would help alleviate a glut in the market, or establishing a committee authorized to take action if necessary. This would require clear definition of the problem and those circumstances that would prompt action.
The MLA Board also discussed the need to promote “best practices” among harvesters to ensure that the supply of lobster consists of the best quality in order to maximize price. A suggestion was made to adapt the model of voluntary dockside safety exams to best harvesting practices. Vessels could volunteer for an audit to identify ways to improve handling, and ultimately, the quality of their lobster.
There was grave concern among MLA Board members that the industry will be in the same poor price situation next year, but there is really no willingness among industry members to make changes. The MLA board does not support implementing changes that are not supported by lobstermen. The Board believes that the industry should consider action on multiple fronts: 1) move forward on enhanced marketing to build demand, 2) implement best harvesting practices and 3) consider management approaches to avoid market gluts.
The recent election produced significant changes among elected officials in Augusta and the next Legislature will have a democratic House and Senate. The MLA will closely monitor new leadership appointments and will plan to meet with the new Senate President and Speaker of the House. The MLA will weigh in on assignments to the Marine Resources Committee and appointment to the ASMFC.
There has been a lot of activity on the policy front. MLA is preparing written comments on wind energy, marine mammal stock assessments and menhaden. While changes to the menhaden plan through ASFMC could lead to reductions in menhaden landings, the herring quota in 2013 will be increased as a result of a recent benchmark stock assessment.
The next MLA meeting is scheduled for December 4th at Darby’s in Belfast.
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