MLA May Directors Meeting
The MLA Board took a moment to honor Pat White, who passed away suddenly in mid-April. The family organized a beautiful service in York which was extremely well attended by Pat’s family, friends and colleagues from the lobster industry. MLA will honor Pat’s memory with a donation to the Alzheimer Foundation. Further, MLA will rename its annual Golden V-notch Award the Pat White Award.
The MLA Board elected officers to serve a one-year term. The slate of David Cousens, President; Kristan Porter, Vice President; John Williams, 2nd Vice President; and Donald Young, Secretary/Treasurer was unanimously supported by the Board after considerable discussion. David Cousens announced that he plans to step down from the MLA board when his term expires in 2019. Arnie Gamage stated that he plans to step down when his term expires in 2018. The MLA Board will be planning its leadership transition over the next few years.
Patrice reported that the Lobster Quality tour with Jean Lavallee was a success, attracting 170 attendees along the coast. The feedback from all who attended was extremely positive. There is a strong desire to continue to offer this program in future years. Yet Board members said that it was difficult to get many lobstermen to commit to attend. Some were put off by the notion of improving lobster handling. If the program is offered again, MLA should reconsider how it markets the workshops to lobstermen. It would be better to focus on lobster biology and the status of the lobster through the supply chain than lobster handling. The program may attract more lobstermen during the winter months, and could be linked to the Maine Fishermen’s Forum.
Patrice updated the board on an important herring workshop being held by the New England Fisheries Management Council on May 16-17 in Portland. The workshop will focus on which methodology the Council will use to set the herring quota in the future and how many fish should be available for commercial harvest versus being left in the ocean for ecosystem benefits. The meeting will not focus on the issue of the impacts of midwater trawl boats on inshore stock, known as localized depletion. That issue will be dealt with as part of Amendment 8 to the herring plan. The MLA Directors acknowledged the difficulty in balancing the lobster fishery’s need for a steady supply of bait while ensuring that the herring stock stays healthy.
ASMFC has set the herring fishing days for Area 1A. During June, vessels may land herring three (3) consecutive days a week; July 1 – 14, vessels may land herring four (4) consecutive days a week; July 15 - September 30, vessels may land herring five (5) consecutive days a week until further notice. By starting with three landings days per week and then adjusting to four and then five days during Trimester 2, the allocation is projected to extend through the end of the trimester. Landings will be monitored closely and the directed fishery will be adjusted to zero landing days when the trimester’s allocation is projected to be reached.
The initial Area 1A sub-annual catch limit (ACL) is 30,397 metric tons (mt) after adjusting for a carryover from 2014. The final 2016 Area 1A sub-ACL will include the following reductions: 8% bycatch, 3% research set-aside and 295 mt fixed gear set-aside. The Section allocated 72.8% of the sub-ACL to Trimester 2. The Atlantic Herring Section is scheduled to reconvene via conference call to review fishing effort and adjust landing days as necessary on July 11.
The NEFMC continues work on development of a management plan to protect deep sea corals. The Council plans to address the impacts of lobster gear in the deep sea coral areas. The Council is exploring the extent of their authority under section 303B of the Magnuson Act to regulate the lobster fishery if it is found to negatively impacts corals.
The MLA organized a small meeting of stakeholders in the Penobscot Bay area to discuss NOAA’s upcoming hydrographic survey. While the details of the survey are not yet known, it was a productive meeting. It is anticipated that this inshore survey will be conducted with jet boats or local lobster boats using cages.
DMR has informed MLA that there is a lack of clarity in the federal regulations on the highflyer requirement for lobstermen fishing outside of 12 miles. Marine Patrol is working with NOAA Fisheries and Office of Law Enforcement to clarify the requirements. Until regulations are clear, DMR Marine Patrol will not be enforcing the offshore high flyer regulations.
MLA Directors discussed a request by a New Jersey lobster dealer, Point Lobster Company, which is seeking changes to the how states enforce various gauge sizes. The request has gone to ASMFC and the state of New Jersey. The MLA Directors support unfettered trade of lobster among states, however, the current restrictions have been put in place by the state of New Jersey. The MLA understands that New Jersey is looking to other states such as Massachusetts and Rhode Island for alternative means to enforce the minimum gauge size. MLA will continue to monitor this issue.
The ASMFC Lobster Board voted to task the lobster Technical Committee to explore further the relationship between Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank lobster stocks, investigate the benefits of harmonizing the competing management measures among Areas 1, 3 and the Outer Cape, and to investigate and develop a Traffic Light Analysis as a potential control rule using average harvest and abundance values from the last 10 years as baselines.
MLA Directors will meet the first Wednesday in June and July at 5 p.m. at Darby’s restaurant in Belfast. There is no meeting in August.
ASMFC May Meeting Roundup (Reprinted from ASMFC meeting summary) American Lobster Board
The American Lobster Management Board met to discuss management action to address the poor condition of the Southern New England lobster stock (SNE), address various aspects of the Jonah Crab Fishery Management Plan (FMP) including Draft Addendum I and the harvest of claws, and discuss the potential for a National Monument in the New England coral canyons and seamounts area.
The Board reviewed a report from its Technical Committee. Model simulations of the potential impacts of gauge size changes in the SNE fishery showed that a 5‐10 mm increase in the minimum size would result in increased biomass over time. While this type of management action would result in short‐term reductions in harvest, catch levels would be expected to stabilize in the long run. The report also highlighted that although natural mortality has increased over time, fishing mortality is a larger source of mortality in the stock.
