After an event-filled summer, the Maine Lobstermen’s Association’s (MLA) #SaveMaineLobstermen campaign is skating into fall by partnering with the Maine Mariner’s hockey team to host a “Lobstermen’s Appreciation Night” on Friday, November 10, Veterans Day Weekend.
The Mariners have created a special link to sell tickets for seats in a section reserved for MLA! Six dollars from every ticket sold will be donated to the MLA’s Save Maine Lobstermen fund. In addition, MLA will have a booth in the main concourse of the Cross Insurance Arena in Portland and will be selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats to benefit the legal defense fund. There will be other fundraising opportunities throughout the game.
Most important, it will be a special evening for MLA members and friends to get together and celebrate the hardworking men and women of our lobstering industry. Purchase tickets online through this special link or email to Kevin Kelley or call MLA at 207-967-4555. We hope to see you there.
Scone Goddess image.
We also want to recognize some local Maine businesses who continue to collaborate with both the MLA and the Maine Lobstermen’s Community Alliance (MLCA). Most recently, the Scone Goddess in Northport sold a specially created “Savor Maine Hushpuppy Scone” mix to complement a traditional lobster dinner. We are grateful that the promotion raised $1,000 for the MLCA. While this tasty creation is no longer available, be sure to check out all the other delicious treats HERE.
Cool as a Moose, which has locations in Bar Harbor, Portland, Brunswick, and Provincetown, Massachusetts, continues to sell a unique line of t-shirts and sweats featuring “Lobman Hermie,” a favorite among both locals and visitors. Despite the soggy, wet summer, we hear sales of the merchandise are strong – so strong in fact that the folks at Cool as a Moose intend to get a restock rolling for fall. If you’re near one of the stores, go in and check it out, or find the line of merchandise online HERE.
Finally, we’re working with the folks at the Kennebunkport Resort Collection, operator of several resort hotel and restaurant properties in the Kennebunk area, to participate in its first Maine Autumn Festival on Saturday, October 21. The festival will be held in downtown Kennebunkport — so come by and purchase one of our new long-sleeved Save Maine Lobstermen t-shirts! More information on this event can be found HERE.
Again, thank you to everyone who continues to contribute to our ongoing efforts to protect Maine’s lobstering heritage.