A Look Back at 2015
Since 1954, the Maine Lobstermen’s Association (MLA) has pursued its mission to advocate for a sustainable lobster resource and the fishermen and communities that depend on it. 2015 was another busy and successful year for the MLA and for Maine’s lobster industry. This month I’d like to take stock of how the MLA has served its members on the vast array of issues lobstermen face.
Staying in touch with lobstermen

Keeping Maine’s lobster industry profitable
Profitability has been a major concern in the lobster industry since the international financial crisis in 2008. The economic situation has had its ups and downs since then. During the past seven years, the MLA has worked to put tools in place to stabilize profitability. In addition to working with lobstermen and dealers to improve lobster handling and lobster quality, the MLA added its voice to many others in lobbying the Legislature to establish and adequately fund a marketing program for Maine lobster. As a result of our collective efforts, the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative was established in 2013.
Since then, the MLA regularly attends Collaborative meetings to monitor its activities and provide accountability back to lobstermen. MLA staff and board members also regularly attend the annual Seafood Expo North America (formerly the Boston Seafood Show) to stay up-to-date on international seafood marketing efforts.
Keeping Lobstermen Healthy and Safe
2015 marked the completion of MLA’s second year helping fishermen and their families get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Since we began this work, the MLA has assisted hundreds of fishing families along the coast in understanding the health insurance options available to them and completing enrollments.
In the fall, MLA said good-bye to our first health insurance Navigator, April Gilmore McNutt, who made the MLA the go-to resource for fishermen with health insurance questions. The MLA then welcomed Alisha Keezer who has ably filled April’s shoes and taken MLA’s health insurance assistance to a new level.

MLA in the Community
